EN: They are eight intentions of fixings in the year 2000 that 189 countries members of the United Nations resolved to obtain for the year 2015. These aims treat problems of the daily life that are considered to be serious.
1. Erradicar la pobreza extrema y el hambre/To eradicate the extreme poverty and the hunger.
2. Lograr la enseñanza primaria universal/To achieve the universal elementary education.
3. Promover la igualdad entre los géneros y la autonomía de la mujer/To promote the equality between the genres and the autonomy of the woman.
4. Reducir la mortalidad infantil/To reduce the infant mortality.
5. Mejorar la salud materna/To improve the mother health.
6. Combatir el SIDA, el paludismo y otras enfermedades./To attack the SIDA, the malaria and other diseases.
7. Garantizar el sustento del medio ambiente/To guarantee the sustenance of the environment.
8. Fomentar una asociación mundial para el desarrollo/To foment a world association for the development.
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